Story of Gretzky Hockey School
The Gretzky Hockey School was founded in 2014 by Ty and the Gretzky family. We started with one week in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho in 2014 and now reached countless different cities across North America today and growing each year.
For aspiring young hockey players, there's nothing quite like the opportunity to come to the Gretzky Hockey School. The Gretzky Hockey School provides players with a unique and unforgettable experience that combines top-notch instruction with an inspiring atmosphere. From on-ice drills and skill-building sessions to off-ice training and classroom discussions, students at the Gretzky Hockey School receive a comprehensive education in all aspects of the game.
Join us as for a week this summer to see what makes the Gretzky Hockey School such a special and transformative experience for young players who dream of one day following in the Great One's footsteps. With the support of Adidas Hockey, Warrior Hockey, Gatorade, and Upper Deck sports we are able to give the players this NHL like experience for the week!
Our goal is to establish the same foundation and implement the same training habits as Walter did with Wayne and the kids. Be a part of the greatest hockey school in the world! Join us at one of our locations this summer! #BEGREAT